The Intimate, Indispensable Improv: The Art Assignment #3

Hi all, Ellen here!

I’ve recently started following a new youtube web video series called “The Art Assignment.” In it, museum curator Sarah Urist Green takes you to visit a different contemporary artist each week. After a brief interview about their art and what inspires them, the artist then gives the viewer an assignment. This opens up the conversation to the online community, as viewers all over respond by completing the assignment and posting their work to the Assignment’s youtube or facebook pages. This week’s assignment is to create a GIF of something that you consider “Intimate and Indispensable” to you as a person.

I took the assignment to the dancers this afternoon, since for me my Intimate Indispensable is dance, and as I suspected, so was everyone else’s. We did a long improvisation based on the question of what specifically about dance makes it indispensable to each of us, and followed it up with a long discussion of the thoughts we’d worked with. Since a single GIF doesn’t give much time to explore these thoughts, I created a series of GIFs and thought I’d pair them with a blog post detailing our conversation. I’ll also include the video of the full improvisation at the end of this post, for those interested in seeing the whole thing – warning: it’s nearly 40 minutes long!

The first thing that came up in our discussion after the improv was how connected we all felt throughout the 40 minutes. Working with such an intimate concept kept us close and made us hyper-aware of what everyone in the space was working with at any given moment. We went around the group and talked about the thoughts we’d had running through our heads, and looked for common themes. Jackie (black sweater) mentioned playing with stillness, and giving herself the permission and the space to just be still within the dance and really embody it fully. Angelina (hot pink) listed off a series of questions, including “Where do the impulses to dance come from?” and “What is ugly, what is beautiful?” I (green) listed off qualities of dance that I felt particularly close to, including momentum, emotion, and the real person behind the dance.

We all played at various times with pushing our boundaries, Jackie testing the limits of her stretches and reaches and Angelina exploring how far she could go into pedestrian movement and still be dance. We discussed the idea of real-time choreography; our hyper-awareness making it easier to react to each other and toss motifs around the room to create a cohesive whole. We touched briefly on the distinction, or lack thereof, between performing and rehearsing, and the difference between being inside the dance and observing it.

Finally I brought up the idea, originally presented to me by a favorite teacher, that dance is unique among the arts because it is ephemeral. Every performance is different, and watching a video is never quite the same as being present in the room while the dance occurs. Being inside an improvisation means that we will never know quite what the experience of watching it was like, even if we watch the video. That thing can never happen again.

When asked to distill their answer to the original question down as succinctly as possible, Jackie answered that she felt improvisation was her Intimate Indispensable. If asked to eliminate improvisation from her life, she would not be able to. Angelina felt that it was impossible to narrow down her Intimate Indispensable further than Dance, in its entirety. Everything from improv to tap to bad dance movies is part of the dance that shapes who she is. And for me? I think working with others is my Indispensable. I’ve spent time creating alone, making solo after solo with no-one to bounce ideas off of, and it’s not something I’d like to return to. I need that feedback that only other dancers can provide, both in improv and in choreography.

You can check out our whole improv below. I’ve added a separate page for Art Assignments, where you can check out last week’s assignment as well as this one. The link to that is now in the sidebar, under “Other Projects”.

March 14th, 2014, posted by admin

Bring it, Sir!

Thanks to everyone who braved the awful weather and came out to see our first Mad Libs show – it went really well, and we’re expecting an even bigger crowd this month when the weather will hopefully cooperate more! Our next show is on March 15th at 8 pm, and we’ll have a special guest with us, in the form of past Geeksdanzer Jamie Campbell! We’re excited to perform with her again, so come out – you won’t want to miss this!

In addition, Ellen and the danzers will be presenting a workshop, Movement for the Improviser, on March 15th from 2 to 5 pm. Registration is limited, so head over to the Steel City Improv Theater workshop page to sign up!

And finally, a sneak peek of the antics that went on during our promotional photo shoot last weekend. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the big announcement!

Bring it! from Ellen Deutsch on Vimeo.

February 28th, 2014, posted by admin

Introducing “Modern Dance Mad Libs!”

Good news, everyone!

Beginning on February 15th, Geeksdanz will be presenting a once-monthly improvised dance show at Steel City Improv Theater!

What do you get when you throw an adjective, a verb, a body part, and a randomly chosen score (with a few sub-scores) together? Modern Dance Mad Libs! A one-hour fully-improvised dance performance on an assortment of words of the audience’s choosing, presented by Geeksdanz at Steel City Improv Theater in Shadyside. Come see us take your randomly-chosen words and spin them into a coherent dance!

Tickets are $9 at the door. Come early to get a good seat! And join the Facebook Event for full details and updates!

January 21st, 2014, posted by admin

Video from Manifestations!

Hi All!

Thank you to everyone who came out and had their pants scared off by us at Manifestations – we had a great crowd and it was an amazing experience!

The first video footage of the show is up now; many thanks to Steel City Improv Theater for giving us the opportunity to perform in a theater space again!

Excerpt from Manifestations: “The One-Eyed Ghost” from Ellen Deutsch on Vimeo.

You can now officially visit the newly-created Manifestations main page via the link in the sidebar!

October 30th, 2013, posted by admin

The Indie Go Go Campaign is LIVE!

Hi All!

The Indie Go Go Campaign for Manifestations has just gone LIVE! You can check it out here. Watch the video for a sneak peek at what you’ll see in the show, and check out our long list of fun perks, including a few special ones from our spectacular storyteller. You could get an out-of-print CD of his ghost story collection, a chance to have coffee with both of us and pick our brains, or even get the chance to be IN one of the stories we’ll be presenting! There’s something for everyone, so check it out, and donate to help us pay the dancers!

See you at the show!

September 27th, 2013, posted by admin

Announcing Manifestations!

Geeksdanz is thrilled to announce Manifestations! Visit the current projects page for full details!

September 4th, 2013, posted by admin

Announcing Manifestations!

This fall, Geeksdanz gets a little creepy with Manifestations, a new collaboration between dance and storytelling. Featuring a selection of ghost stories told live by professional storyteller Alan Irvine, Manifestations melds dance and story to create an intensely atmospheric performance that will chill your blood and make your skin crawl.

We’re still working on a venue and specific dates, so keep checking back for more information in the coming months!

August 18th, 2013, posted by admin

First Video Excerpt from Challenge Mode is Up!

Hi all!

Again, the danzers and I want to thank everyone who came to the show on April 19th – we had a great crowd and a great reception to our work!

If you missed it, don’t despair – we’ll have the DVD up for sale just as soon as I can get the video files all put together. In the meantime, enjoy this excerpt of the opening two movements:

Stay tuned for updates on our next projects!

May 10th, 2013, posted by admin

Welcome A’nne!

Greetings everyone!

Good news today – we’ve added another geek to the team!

Geeksdanz officially welcomes A’nne Collins (pronounced Ah-Nay) to the Geeksdanz family! Check out the Meet Your Geeks page for her bio, and stay tuned for her responses to the entrance interview!

Challenge Mode comes to Pittsburgh on April 19th, 2013. Don’t forget to like us on facebook, follow us on twitter, and donate to our Indie Go Go campaign!

March 28th, 2013, posted by admin

Announcing Live Streaming!

Hi everyone!

Another big announcement on the heels of the Indie GoGo campaign: we are pleased to announce that we will be LIVE STREAMING the show on April 19th! If you don’t live in the Pittsburgh area, you can tune in to the website at 6:30 pm on April 19th to watch the show live, and even participate in the Q&A afterwards via the “Social Stream” chatroom! Stay tuned for details as we get closer to the show.


March 8th, 2013, posted by admin